Welcome to the
Updates Page, a place where you can find out whats on this page. Check back here often to see the latest things on the page and
what is to come.
6-30-98: Letter from Ms Rumina
Hi everyone. I have finally updated this page. Sorry about the long delay. I have added more information on Mariah Shirley which can be found on the Bio page. I will try to add more later. Any suggestions for questions for the Poll would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. You can E-mail them to me at djali99@aol.com
11-15-97: Letter from Ms Rumina
Hi everyone. I hope your enjoying the page. I just wanted to let you know that I have added the forum. Its up and running. Have fun and post often!!! To visit it Click Here or visit my main page for the link. In the near future I would like to post fan fiction on this page. Preferably stories or poems with Bryn.
11-13-97: Letter from Ms Rumina
Hi there. I hope you like the new Mariah Shirley Page I have made. Please let me know what you think. E-mail Me My goal in making this page was to have something on Mariah. One day I started looking for information on her on the web and I couldn't find a single thing. I hope this page will develop into a site where fellow Nomads can get info on the actress that plays Bryn. I have included the basics (bio, pics, links) as well as a survey and a guestbook. I hope to soon have a working forum where Mariah fans can post their thoughts. I would also like to include a sound page sometime in the future of some Bryn quotes.